Guest Registration Form

TRINITY GREAT BANQUET @ Holy Cross Lutheran Church
8115 Oaklandon Rd                             
Indianapolis, IN 46236                        

The Trinity Great Banquet is a three-day experience of renewal, learning and sharing in the atmosphere of a Christian community.  It is a different experience for each individual.  It does not provide a climate for the solution of deep-seated problems, but is designed to help mature people to work toward a Christian way of life with community support. 

Husband and wife are invited as a couple, although they attend separately; usually, the husband first.  Each person must submit a separate application.  Married couples are requested to turn in both applications at the same time, if possible.

This form is an application and its submittal does not guarantee acceptance. You may be placed on a waiting list since space is limited. Applicants and sponsors will receive an email with further details once registration has been submitted.

Once you have regiestered, should you need to cancel, please email

Please use the first name you prefer to go by, for a name tag. For example, if your first name is Susan, but you prefer Susie, enter Susie here.
Attendees must be 18 and over.
Please let us know if you need an outlet for a CPAP, have issues kneeling, etc. You will be provided an air mattress; if you would like to bring your own air mattress, please note that above. Be sure to label it with your name by the valve before arrival.
Please provide specific details regarding your dietary *needs* (not preferences). If you have an allergy, please explain the severity. For example: "I can not consume peanuts" VS "I can not be in the same room as peanuts".
In the event of an emergency, who should we contact?
What is the best phone number to call in order to reach your emergency contact?
This is the name of the person who has invited you to the Great Banquet
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Enter the characters shown in the image.