!!! ATTENTION - Trinity Great Banquet is in a new location !!!
HOLY CROSS LUTHERAN CHURCH: 8115 Oaklandon Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46236
The Great Banquet is an orderly, structured weekend designed to strengthen and renew the faith of Christians.
Through a combined effort of laity and clergy, the Great Banquet focuses on the renewal of the church.
The image of the Great Banquet comes from Luke 14:15-24. Jesus tells of a master who prepared a great banquet and invited many guests, saying "Come, for everything is now ready." Many had excuses and did not attend. Finally, many were brought who were poor, crippled, blind and lame. The result of the master's invitation was to feast and fellowship at a banquet given by God.
Who should attend the Great Banquet?
This weekend experience is for anyone who:
1. wishes to strengthen his/her own spiritual life;
2. wants to have a better understanding of prayer, the sacraments, study and Christian action;
3. strives to live a Christian life that bears fruit for God;
4. seeks to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and to make Him known.
You are invited . . .
You are invited to be a guest at the Great Banquet given by God and to feast on His goodness and love.